COD started operations in July 2006 with a micro finance workshop, which had over 60 people in attendance drawn from among the poor and lower middleclass in Lagos. We have since then implemented and participated effectively in the following programs and activities:

Beijing plus 15 – Showcasing Best Practices from Lagos State ( UNCSW 54 in New York)
Mainstreaming Gender in Ministry of Women Affairs & Poverty Alleviation (WAPA) December 9 – 15 2009
Increasing women’s participation in governance through the on going Mapping of women political aspirants in all the registered political parties in Nigeria from December 2009 to April 2010
Rapport our: South West gender focused non governmental Organizations currently documenting the Nigerian NGO shadow report on the Beijing + 15 Review meeting that would be presented during the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW54) in New York from March 1 – 12, 2010.
Gender mainstreaming Training for Lagos state Ministry of women Affairs and Poverty alleviation from December 09 to 15 2009;
Made a presentation on aspects of the constitution that needs to be reviewed to increase women’s participation in governance at the Senate national and Zonal Public Hearing on Constitution Review froim October 13 to 15 and December 14 and 15 2009 respectively
Activities to mark the World Poverty Day, through an economic empowerment workshop for women and youths in Isolo Local government Development Center Isolo, Lagos on October 16 2009 with over 100 people in attendance.

From October 13 to 15 in Abuja we participated in the public hearing on constitution review to defend our memoranda on aspects of the Nigerian Constitution that do not promote and protect women’s right in Nigeria.
Working in collaboration with Women Leadership group and financial support from INEC, we hosted in Abuja a one day Strategy Workshop on Increasing women’s participation in governance in Nigeria.Advanced micro credits to 213 members totaling Five Million, Six Hundred and Forty Thousand Naira (N5, 640,000.00) about Forty Two Thousand USD ($42,000USD) from internally generated funds from our directors with about 70% return rate to mostly poor women in the Lagos Sub burbs.
Participated effectively in the writing and presentation at the United Nations in June – July 2008 one of the Nigerian NGO CEDAW Shadow Report to the UN CEDAW Review Committee.

Participated effectively in presenting Nigeria’s and indeed African Caucus position at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW 52) in February- March 2008.
Participated as a Strategic Partner/ Observer in the October 2008 Lagos State Development and Local Council Elections.

Gender mainstreaming Training for Lagos state Ministry of women Affairs and Poverty alleviation from December 09 to 15 2009;
Working in collaboration with Justice, Peace and Development Commission (JDPC) Ijebu Ode facilitated Town Hall Meetings / Constructive Dialogue with elected representatives and the people in Alimosho and Oshodi / Isolo local Government Areas of Lagos State
Working in collaboration with Civil Liberties Organization (CLO), 25 of our members participated in the training and observation of the just concluded April 2007 general elections in Nigeria.
With support from Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development, participated in a Research Study Titled, “ Engendering National Budgets : Impact on Sect oral Plans and Policies in Eboyin State February 2008.
Working in collaboration with Justice, Peace and Development Commission Ijebu Ode, we are in the process of Engendering the Ministries of Education and Agriculture Budgets in Lagos State.
With Support from the Nigerian Gender Budget Network Abuja, COD facilitated a workshop titled “Mainstreaming Gender in the budget of South Western States in Nigeria.
Working in collaboration with National Planning Commission (NPC) and Civil Society Coalition for Poverty Eradication (CISCOPE), COD put together the December 2006 Lagos State SEEDs benchmarking exercise. SEED is State Economic Empowerment & Development Strategy, drawn from the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (NEEDS) the Nigerian governments economic blue print/policy